Everybody knows one of them. They are in jobs as well as in politics, army, committees, schools, even in some churches.
The man or woman in charge consider themselves conquerors. They're used to be admired, flattered, accepted, applauded. They use only winning words - success, triumph, defeating, top, best, are some of their favorite ones.
You try to do your job the best you can, but something just doesn't fit in the right place. Suddenly, your eyes open: you don't advance at the same pace others do, because you don't play the same game they play: you don't flatter, you don't brag about your duties - in the end, they are just that: obligations -, you don't lie, you don't flirt, you don't distort what others say just to gain space. You try to do everything with clearness and objectivity... with the truth, even if it harms you. And several times, it does.
Meanwhile, that person's ego keeps growing and growing. It feels good, being adored, admired, flattered... Even some mistakes and omissions don't matter anymore - they have to be minimized. "Who cares?", they think, "I'm the one that puts and takes out; the one who they have to please" ... And some day, you don't know how, they become tyrants. Is it the system..? Is it him or herself? Is it them, who profit from that ego? Is it... us?
They are doing it again: they are raising a tyrant... Or are they breeding one?